Typing Wizards

Data Safety

Last Updated On March 20, 2024

This data safety informations applies to the "Typing Wizards" game (hereby referred to as the "Game", "Application" or "Service") for mobile devices that was developed by "Stack Stream" (hereby referred to as "We", "Us" or "Our"). This service is intended for use "AS IS".

Account Creation

Our app exclusively utilizes Google Play Games sign-in for account creation, providing users with a seamless and secure authentication process. In addition to Google Play Games sign-in, users are required to provide their Email address, Gender, and Country information during the registration process. This ensures a personalized experience while maintaining the convenience and security of Google Play Games authentication. In the following section, you'll uncover the outlined objectives for data collection,

  • Email: Collected for verification, account recovery, and communication purposes.
  • Gender: Utilized to personalize the user experience by assigning character and avatar images based on gender preference.
  • Country: Used to create country-specific leaderboards, allowing users to compare their performance with others from the same country.

Data Retention Policy

We will retain User Provided data for as long as you use the Game and for a reasonable time thereafter. If you would like us to delete User Provided Data that you have provided via the Application, please contact us via Helpdesk or support@typingwizards.com. After confirming your request, we can promptly remove your account along with all the associated data. Please note that this process cannot be undone.